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Free shipping from 75 € in EU Free shipping from 75 € in EU
2-year warranty 2-year warranty
Perfect boiled eggs will be easy as pie if you chose this eggspert to do its job.
Too soft, too hard – but never to the point. Perfectly cooked eggs are a science in themselves. But no problem for Eggsperten PiepEi. Simply store with the eggs, cook together with the eggs and wait until Eggsperten PiepEi plays three tunes – one for each level of doneness. No matter what water temperature you start with and no matter what altitude you cook at, with this eggspert of an egg timer the egg will be perfect (FAQ).
A perfect gift for anybody, who’d love to become an eggspert.
Currently only available with German definition print.

Nice to know

BeepEgg works perfectly at all altitudes
BeepEgg works perfectly at all altitudes
It doesn't matter if you start from cold or boiling water
It doesn't matter if you start from cold or boiling water
You can boil as many eggs as you like at a time
You can boil as many eggs as you like at a time
BeepEgg can do every level of doneness, soft, medium and hard boiled
BeepEgg can do every level of doneness, soft, medium and hard boiled
BeepEgg works for any egg size
BeepEgg works for any egg size

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