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80s Baby! Too soft, too hard – but never to the point. Perfectly cooked eggs are a science in themselves. But no problem for the NDW PiepEi. Simply store with the eggs, cook together with the eggs and wait until NDW PiepEi sings famous...
ICH WILL SPASS for soft-boiled eggs
OHNE DICH SCHALF ICH...for medium-boiled eggs
DÜSE IM SAUSESCHRITT for hard-boiled eggs
The egg timer for those, who still care. This is our small contribution to getting the world back on track. Too many crises to name. We’re certainly not the right ones to tell anyone anything about solutions. There are no easy answers...
WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD for soft-boiled eggs
LEAN ON ME for medium-boiled eggs
HE’S GOT THE WHOLE... for hard-boiled eggs
Moin moin. Perfekt gekochtes Ei gefällig? Zu weich, zu hart – aber nie auf den Punkt. Perfekt gekochte Eier sind eine Wissenschaft für sich. Für das Mein Eiland PiepEi aber kein Problem. Einfach mit den Eiern lagern, zusammen mit den...
DAS KÜSTENLIED for soft-boiled eggs
WELLERMAN for medium-boiled eggs
WIR SIND... for hard-boiled eggs
The call of the wild. Bring the wilderness home to you. Be it on a mountain camping site or in your kitchen at home. This tamed bear will be your personal egg assistant and gets your eggs right. Too soft, too hard – but never to the...
MORNING MOOD for soft-boiled eggs
WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD for medium-boiled eggs
PETER AND THE WOLF for hard-boiled eggs
Hier haben sich die Römer die Zähne ausgebissen, hier sind wir zuhause. Am Teutoburger Wald. Als Hommage an diese schöne Region haben wir gemeinsam mit unserem Schweizer Partner „PanoramaKnife“ den Hermannsweg in die Küche geholt. Ein in...
Hier haben sich die Römer die Zähne ausgebissen, hier sind wir zuhause. Am Teutoburger Wald. Als Hommage an diese schöne Region haben wir gemeinsam mit unserem Schweizer Partner „PanoramaKnife“ den Hermannsweg in die...
Wildlife wonders. Bring the wilderness home to you. Be it on a safari or in your kitchen at home. This tamed penguin will be your personal egg assistant and gets your eggs right. Too soft, too hard – but never to the point. Perfectly...
FIVE LITTLE MONKEYS for soft-boiled eggs
WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD for medium-boiled eggs
CARNIVAL OF THE ANIMALS for hard-boiled eggs
Your region, your BeepEgg. Playing traditional tunes and using regional icons to create a perfect look for that city or region. This one is for Munich. "Himmlisch guade Eier kocha." He could not stand it in heaven, so Aloisius now sings...
IN MÜNCHEN STEHT EIN...for soft-boiled eggs
ICH WOLLT' ICH WÄR'...for medium-boiled eggs
HALLELUJA for hard-boiled eggs
Your region, your BeepEgg. Playing traditional tunes and using regional icons to create a perfect look for that city or region. Of course, the German capital also gets its own BeepEgg edition, as Germany's largest metropolis also cries...
BERLINER LUFT for soft-boiled eggs
PACK DIE BADEHOSE EIN for medium-boiled eggs
ICH WOLLT ICH WÄR EIN... for hard-boiled eggs
Together with the Dutch designer Anne-Marie Jetten, we created the PiepEi Delft. The Dutch designer has been very successful with the reinterpretation of the classic Delft design. Too soft, too hard – but never to the point. Perfectly...
IN HOLLAND STAAT EN HUIS for soft-boiled eggs
TWEE EMMERT JES WATER...for medium-boiled eggs
WILHELMUS for hard-boiled eggs
PiepEi Detlef is one of the three BeepEgg classics from Brainstream. Detlef, Schantall and Hartmut were the first PiepEi brood, each patron for one degree of hardness. Ideal for those who know what they want. Detlef is responsible for...
ICH WOLLT' ICH WÄR'...for soft-boiled eggs
"Eggs we need eggs". We have responded to the request of the former German national goalkeeper, with the PiepEi Fan Edition. Just the right thing for all football fans. One should not live on beer and bratwurst alone. Too soft, too hard...
NATIONALHYMNE for soft-boiled eggs
STADION-CLAP for medium-boiled eggs
TRIUMPHMARSCH for hard-boiled eggs
Your region, your BeepEgg. Playing traditional tunes and using regional icons to create a perfect look for that city or region. “Hömmah”, here comes the PiepEi for the Ruhr area. The black briquettes have become rare around Essen,...
DAS STEIGERLIED for soft-boiled eggs
WIR SIND DAS RUHRGEBIET for medium-boiled eggs
ICH WOLLT' ICH WÄR'... for hard-boiled eggs
10 From 15